5 Reasons to Choose a Solar Hot Water System

When it comes to hot water replacement, many people assume they have only two options: gas or electric. In fact, another option is a solar hot water system, which uses free energy from the sun to heat the water you use at home. Here are a few good reasons to consider a solar hot water system instead of or alongside a gas or electric water heater.

1. Lower Long Term Costs

Installing a solar water system is relatively pricey, but it is likely to lead to significant savings in the long run. When you mount solar water panels on your roof, they use the sun's heat to naturally warm up the water so you can use it for showering, cleaning and bathing. This can work out much less expensive than using electricity or gas to heat the water you need.

2. Higher Home Value

Even if you do not plan to stay in your home for many more years, you could still recoup the costs of installing a solar hot water system. Solar water panels typically push up the value of a home because buyers are aware that they result in lower bills.

3. Lower Environmental Impact

Burning gas to heat water in your home releases carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Using an electric water heater is not necessarily any better, as many electricity-producing power plants burn fossil fuels to meet consumer demand. Solar water heating systems produce no carbon dioxide when you use them, so they can be a more environmentally-friendly choice.

4. Space-Saving Alternative to Solar Panels

If you are an environmentally-conscious homeowner, you might already have considered installing photovoltaic solar panels to provide energy for your home. Solar energy generation systems are typically only suitable for homes with relatively large roofs that get a lot of direct sunlight throughout the day. On the other hand, solar water heating systems take up much less space, so they could be an option even if your roof is too small for an electricity-generating solar system.

5. Government Grants

In Australia, there are many different types of funding programs that can help homeowners meet the costs of installing a solar hot water system. For example, in Victoria, funding up to $1,000 is available for this kind of home improvement. Go to your state's government website to learn what funding is available in your region. 

About Me

Plumbing: Installing New Pipes

If you need to install new pipes in your home, it is important you seek out professional advice and help. My name is Richard. Last year, I decided to try and install new pipes in my home as the old ones were noisy and leaking. However, I made a real mess of it and as a result of my botched DIY plumbing, my family had no water for several days. Thankfully, when I called a plumber, he was able to quickly install the pipes in the proper way. Since this incident, I have been teaching myself all I can about home plumbing. I hope you like my blog.



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