Why a Homeowner Should Never Clear a Blocked Drain Themselves

If a drain or toilet in the home is clogged, you can try using a plunger to address the problem, and this might be all that's needed to clear a blockage. However, it's never recommended that a homeowner try anything beyond a simple plunger when it comes to clearing a blocked drain Note why that is so you know when to call a plumber to your home, and why it's good to leave this work to them.

Location of blockage

A blocked drain can be caused by debris that collects along the front of the drain, and removing the cover to the drain can give you access to that debris so you can then clean it out. While this may sound simple, this isn't always as easy as you might assume, since you can cause damage to the pipe by scraping solid materials from the walls of the pipe. If you don't reassemble the drain trap properly, this can also mean more solid materials getting caught in the pipe, so future clogs can get even worse.

You may also clean out some debris at the top of the drain, and this may allow water to flow a bit more freely, but an actual clog could be located further along the pipe. By continuing to use the drain without clearing the blockage, you could be making the clog worse, and putting undue pressure on the pipes. A plumber can find the actual location of the blockage and ensure that all parts are reassembled properly after the work is done.

Cause of blockage

A clog or blockage isn't always caused by too much solid material in the pipes; in some cases, the blockage can be caused by a water leak, or lack of water pressure, as water is needed to push solid materials through pipes. Plumbing pipes also need to be installed at a proper angle, so that water can flow and take solid material with it. Air in the pipes can also stop water from flowing as it should, so that solid materials build up in the pipes.

Trying to clear a blockage without knowing the cause of the clog can mean having more severe clogs form over time. You might also be overlooking other damage that is caused by water leaks, such as the risk of mould growth in the home. A plumber will know how to pinpoint the actual cause of any plumbing blockage so that it gets addressed properly, and future clogs and other such risks are avoided.

About Me

Plumbing: Installing New Pipes

If you need to install new pipes in your home, it is important you seek out professional advice and help. My name is Richard. Last year, I decided to try and install new pipes in my home as the old ones were noisy and leaking. However, I made a real mess of it and as a result of my botched DIY plumbing, my family had no water for several days. Thankfully, when I called a plumber, he was able to quickly install the pipes in the proper way. Since this incident, I have been teaching myself all I can about home plumbing. I hope you like my blog.



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