Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Clearing Blocked Drains

Never overlook slow or blocked drains in your home, as ignoring this problem can lead to even more severe plumbing problems. A blockage or build-up in the drain that is causing a clog, or causing water to drain slowly, is rarely going to go away on its own, and may eventually lead to water leaks and even cracked pipes. If your home does have a clogged or blocked drain, note a few common mistakes you'll want to avoid, so you address it properly and don't actually make the problem worse.

Using homemade tools

An auger can help to clear clogs and blockages, but this doesn't mean you should try something homemade, assuming it will work just as well. Don't simply straighten out a length of wire coat hangers, or use a long screwdriver, and put these down a drain to "stab" at the clog, as this can actually make it worse, compacting all that debris together so that it's even more difficult to clear! You might also catch a trap or vent that is located along the plumbing pipes, and cause damage. Avoid homemade tools of any sort when clearing a blocked drain, and rely only on tools that are specifically meant for this job.


A simple trick to clear a clog is to add baking soda and vinegar to the drain, as this mixture will bubble, foam, and expand, pushing the debris out of the way. While this trick can be effective, you want to avoid using random chemicals and cleaning agents in a drain or toilet. Very caustic chemicals, such as used to remove rust, can damage plumbing pipes and porcelain fixtures. Mixing certain chemicals, especially with bleach, can create hazardous fumes and be very dangerous for you. If you've tried vinegar and baking soda and this hasn't cleared the clog, call a plumber, rather than simply pouring anything and everything you can find in the home down the drain.

Taking apart the plumbing

It's never good to take apart the plumbing pipes of the home unless you have experience in doing this; water that is backed up in the pipes can leak or burst, causing quite a mess, and you may not be able to reassemble the pieces properly, leading to future leaks. A clog may also not be located where you think it's located, so you simply create more work for yourself in disassembling pipes. Have a plumber take apart the plumbing pieces of your home if necessary, rather than assuming you can reassemble them quickly and easily.

About Me

Plumbing: Installing New Pipes

If you need to install new pipes in your home, it is important you seek out professional advice and help. My name is Richard. Last year, I decided to try and install new pipes in my home as the old ones were noisy and leaking. However, I made a real mess of it and as a result of my botched DIY plumbing, my family had no water for several days. Thankfully, when I called a plumber, he was able to quickly install the pipes in the proper way. Since this incident, I have been teaching myself all I can about home plumbing. I hope you like my blog.



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